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  • Studying Abroad with a Scholarship Programme

    • 14 Feb 2017
    • Posted By : Julien Renvoye
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    Are you interested in learning how to obtain a scholarship to study abroad? Unidemy experts can assist you! Our article covers everything, from the types of international scholarships available to application tips.
    Read on to find out more.

    International Scholarships
    Students worldwide aspire to study abroad, particularly in countries such as the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Malaysia. Why? Because the educational system is so excellent, it not only prepares you for a rewarding career in education, but also makes your CV and resume stand out! As a result, who wouldn't desire that?
    A study abroad programme provides students from diverse cultural backgrounds with an excellent opportunity to make new friends, connect with renowned educators, gain internship experience, and, last but not least, develop professional connections. This may appear to be a pipe dream for those with money, but if you are an excellent student who consistently earns an A+, you can make this dream a reality through a scholarship programme.
    Nowadays, almost everyone, from parents to students, believes that studying abroad is prohibitively expensive and has no idea where to begin the scholarship application process. The good news is that there are numerous study abroad scholarships available to international students interested in studying abroad for a course or degree. These opportunities can range from funding to cover the cost of your flight to scholarships that cover the cost of studying abroad.
    What do you think? Numerous international universities offer scholarships to students in order to diversify their student body and enhance their cultural experience. Additionally, numerous organisations provide scholarships to promote global education and international relations.
    We at Unidemy are here to assist you in this endeavour. If you have any questions, please contact us today.

    How Much Does Studying Abroad Cost?
    Education costs vary widely from city to city and with the type of accommodation you have while studying abroad. There's a big difference between needing money to study abroad for free and just covering a portion of the cost when it comes to full study abroad programmes as well as individual semesters or courses. Preparation is key if you want to know how much money you'll need for school.
    With a part-time job, you'll be able to make up for it. If the cost of the textbooks is prohibitive, you can save money by purchasing a PDF or used copy.

    Types of Scholarships for Studying Abroad

    I. Merit-based Scholarships
    When you think of a scholarship, merit scholarships are the ones that come to mind. Academic excellence is required in order to be considered for a merit scholarship. Most of the money that is given out as part of a merit-based scholarship is used to pay for college costs.

    II. Need-based Scholarships
    According to the name of the scholarship, need-based scholarships are awarded to students who have demonstrated that they are unable to cover the costs of their study abroad programme. There are scholarship providers that will look at how much money a student can make and how much they can afford to pay for school to see if they are eligible.
    Separate from merit scholarships, these grants can help you pay for college. You may be able to get both merit-based and need-based scholarships, depending on the programme or university.

    III. Athletic Scholarships
    Universities offer athletic scholarships to attract the best athletes to join their teams. Many universities, particularly in the United States, offer full-ride scholarships to athletes. Athletes often get athletic scholarships while they are still in high school because they do well on the field.

    IV. Minority Scholarships
    Make the most of the scholarships available to you if you are a member of a minority group. Most colleges and universities strive to do so in order to ensure that all students have equal access to education. Members of underrepresented ethnic or racial groups and members of the LGBTQ community are among the groups that are eligible.
    Talk to Unidemy's experts if you're interested in finding out more.